Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Do as I Say or.... (Finding the Right Therapist for YOU)

Why didn't therapy work?

Therapy is often facilitated by highly educated people who (most often) haven't lived the truth of their patients.  Is that a bad thing? No.  I wouldn't wish my unique mix of traumas and victories on anyone. Where it becomes a problem is when that person who hasn't slipped into your shoes, walked a mile in shoes even the same size hands you coping skills they were taught in an academic setting.
Finding a therapist who has walked a mile can be hard, but it is also essential to recovering. Therapists who analyze, refer to psychiatrist, look at medicating trauma and don't actually examine the root causes of behavior are often part of the issue. For example: a therapist who believes that past trauma will build a dissociative disorder and a defiance disorder will be looking for those traits. Where as a therapist who experienced early abuse will be looking for the strength, determination, will power and desire for life.
These are subconscious biases that are not taught.  You can teach someone about possible outcomes but you cant teach empathy.
So find a therapist who can empathize AND push you to do and be better

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