Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Changing Perceptions to Create Reality

Sometimes what we believe deep within our souls is a lie, so we need to change the script in our own minds. 

1 way to change the script  is to practice the 5x55 method, and while this video talks about manifesting money, I want to cover some of the other bases with you.
Everything is Energy, and negative and positive energies are prevalent in our world.  when we take 2 magnets and face negative magnetic force it will reject, but a positive force will be accepted, so by this principle: positivity attracts and negativity deflects.  Most Manifestation videos on YouTube talk about money manifesting, but money is simply a measurable quantity of energy.  It is easier to say I manifested $20 than to say I manifested patience, respect, favor or safety.  Money is an easy marker, but everything else is just as important.  The relationship you have to the words: Safety, Respect, Perseverance, Joy, Honor and Relaxation will determine if you manifest more or less of those qualities in your life.

Snuggles Make my Hubby Happy
I am going to share a few of the things that I have used to reach deep within myself, Identify my trauma and refuse to play the victim.  These are skills that anyone can use to change how we view life. Some of us like to think that life happens to us and we have no control; because, that gives us an excuse to limit our own destiny to fit what expectations and restrictions others have placed around us.  Most of us excusing our own lack of happiness based on circumstance forget that we have a choice: look at life as a passive act we have no power within, or look at life as a masterpiece and see ourselves as the artist creating the life we live.  What makes you happy?  What makes you content?  When you do that thing that makes you laugh on good days and brings slight relief on the bad ones, you are beginning to define your own destiny.
Before I launch into some tools I have learned and refined, I would like to suggest that if you are struggling with finding a reason for your existence Read this book (linked) on Kindle, paper back or hardcover.  

Bubs Loves Climbing: So the Outdoors are a MUST

What type of Supporters do you have?
Do you have people who lift you up? Or are they more prone to blame you for the way you see the world? Make a list of everything you need in a friend, and a separate list of everything a good friend cannot be.  Keep these in mind when you choose friends, because your community matters too.
Are their things that if a family member or close friend said would really hurt you?  If a doctor or other professional said the same thing would it hurt, you in the same way?
Is there something you don't want to be judged for? Like a diagnosis or a way of thinking?  Is there something you feel like everyone around you would judge you for, but for some reason you need to talk about it? Click here and send me a message to get connected to a professional.
Local Coffee Shop Chai Tea Makes Me Smile
Is there anything that if your therapist or professional support were to tell you, you would really work to change but if anyone else told you may be offended by?  Is your perspective changed by WHO is trying to help you, HOW they approach you, WHAT your relationship is or WHERE they chose to approach you about Healing?
Do the deep, hard inner work that scares you.  Think about it, address it, forgive yourself, let it go.  As soon as you can address it, forgive yourself and move on the sooner you will find freedom in your every day life!

Is there anyone in particular you trust to help you identify when you have tunnel vision, or are looking for the worst in people?  Is there anyone who can address the hard parts of healing with you? 
Really take a good look at your circle, and either go out looking for the kind of friends you want and need, become the kind of friend you need because then you will attract that into your life OR chose your person who you trust and talk to them and let you know that you will be doing some inner healing and may need extra support in this time.

Check out this app for reminders etc.
I am so proud of each of you who have started this journey into healing, and I cant wait to see the lives around me begin to change, as the people living them stop hiding and start creating the realities that they desire! Including freedom of the mind, spirit and restraints of blaming life, by simply changing how we view life, together.

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