Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Introducing: Adopted Badass- Changing My Mind! By, Madisun Chambers-Roth LLC

What is trauma? It is any pain un-comfortability we feel that we carry with us. Why do we not want to keep that luggage? Because it keeps us stuck in the same repeating patterns, that’s why!
What builds character, and what breaks character? Why do some kids get bullied so badly they commit suicide, some commit homicide or acts of terror and still others grow up to face the world, change it and shape the constructs of morality?
All three groups went through generally the same torture, incessant teasing, getting pushed and shoved, called names, isolated and often labeled as “outcast” or other than the mas majority of their peers. What really differentiates these groups of children is exposure to other violence (at home), ability to escape into a new reality of video games, movies, music or books, access to weapons and knowledge of how to use them, family support and many other factors in the early years. None of these factors however, even begin to scratch the surface of the power of choice.

I was adopted along with 3 of my biological siblings, we all grew up in the same home all 4 of us spread across 5 short years, we all saw and heard basically the same things, had basically the same rules and survived by leaning on eachother. We could not be more different.

I have dedicated my life to helping others heal, renew and regenerate healthy brain chemistry and thought patterns to essentially choose to create a life full of joy, happiness and their own version of success.
Another sister has struggled with many substances, but that isn’t my story to share. She has resigned herself to a life of surviving, getting by and her pride comes from making it through each situation by herself and with her own power. If she can do it herself, she will, but if she cant she most likely will not ask for help. Success to her is singular.
Another sister is a joker, she can light up a room and make everyone laugh. She has a jesters heart, she relies on fair and equal, and she cant stand when it isn’t fair. This made our childhood particularly tough for her, but somehow she was able to find ways to laugh herself out of trouble. When I was 3 or 4 years old I was an angry spirit, filled with the weight of the injustices in the world. My mother used to play the song S-M-I-L-E by Cedarmont Kids and the verse we would always sing goes like this “It isn’t any trouble just to L-A-U-G-H, it isn’t any trouble just to L-A-U-G-H, so laugh when your in trouble it will vanish like a bubble, no it isn’t any trouble just to L-A-U-G-H.” I can totally see how that has shaped her subconscious mind to react to stress, anger, violence, fear, frustration and even desperation with laughter.
Another sister is one of the most honest people I know, she refused to hide who she is or was ever in her life, she lives openly and with complete integrity. To this day she cannot keep a secret, and I cant fault her for that as it is exactly who she is. She faced the least amount of abuse, but the financial situations that my parents have found themselves in, has shocked and saddened her, and yet her gratitude shines through it all. She wants to be and do better than anyone who came before her, to make this world a more loving place.

You see, each of us processed life through our own filters even from a very young age, trauma survival created a bond that seemed inseparable until it shattered. We thought we all were more similar than we are, and that shows in how we have individually processed our own traumas and decided to persue success in our ways.

My family may only be a small fraction of the world, but it is a demonstration of something we see repeatedly within society. No 2 people think the same, no 2 witnesses have the same story, no 2 minds process tragidy or fear the same and that means that no 2 souls have the exact same purpose.

What separates each of us is a single choice and our purpose. Do we follow our soul’s direction and find our purpose or do we stay with the group and cap out where society tells us to? And what is YOUR purpose?

Trauma, pain, emotional turmoil, confusion, groupthink and lack of vision happens to everyone. What you decide to do at each roadblock, hurdle or obstacle is what answers those questions.

My trauma is no greater than your trauma. My survival no more heroic than yours. If you believe you have wounds that need healing, then you do. If you believe that you have a purpose, then find it. I am here to help you heal and prepare to discover exactly what YOU are all about. There is no right way or wrong way to heal. In fact, I believe that each person needs something a little different than anyone else, and the magic recipe, that has worked for me is this: Support (for me this was my husband, but he expressed being unable to fix my pain was too big of a load, so I hired a life coach), Physical action (physical trainer who helped me to find ways to keep both my mind and body active, and I talked to a dietician as well about getting on track, then I worked with my trainer to combine these elements successfully) and spiritual and/or mental action (for me this was diving deeper into the universal laws, studying the overlaps in religions, and deciding what I believe, why I believe that and HOW I was going to create a life that expressed the power I had discovered). This will inevitably look different for each person, just as versatile as your traumas are, so will be your healing, but remember that you alone have the power to decide whether you will heal, grow and become the most amazing version of you or remain stuck and repeating the learned cycles of your past.

It is a decision only you can make, and an opportunity to live a life beyond what you believe you deserve today. I can help you get there, but only you can choose to walk the path or stand still.

Sign up before 10 AM tomorrow so 11 hours and 15 minutes left to get the best price I will ever have on any of my classes for $100.00 even, after 10 am, the price will go up to $200 per ticket! See you there!

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